The Primary School of Georgitsi is located in the centre of the village, so it was easily accessible by all the inhabitants. This school replaced the older school building which was built in 1851 and was located around 50 yards away. Only a few walls survive from the old school building. The modern school has been declared a monumental part of the cultural heritage of Greece.
The construction of the Primary School was held between 1925-1933 at the expense of Educational Association of Georgitsian "Socrates", a registered charity in the US. All the Georgitsians who had immigrated to the US started a Society with a vision to be useful to the village where they came from. They soon decided to fund the construction of the Primary School.
It is an emblematic building and literally a rare architectural gem. It is stone-built with more than six-sided hewn stones sourced from Mt. Taygetos and shaped with two courtyards: a northern for the girls an eastern for the boys and a beautiful clock with the bell. The building was designed by the architect Anastasios Metaxas (1862 -1937), who had also worked in the restoration of The Panathenaic Stadium. The contractor was Lambros Kontozisis.
In the first years of operation the building hosted the primary school, middle school and high school. Before the building of the modern school, the Georgitsi pupils attended classes either in the old primary school or in rented houses like the houses of Giannakantonis and the house of Theodorakis. In that period the total number of pupils was more than 300.
Apart from hosting the pupils, the building was housing a district court, a community clinic, as clubs and society residences and other educational units.